Friday, October 25, 2013

The girl with the irreversible raincoat

Winter is almost here, the last autumn leaves touch the streets. We were going to meet for a second time, on a cold and foggy evening. I didn't think she will show up, it was raining cats&dogs outside, I could barely see 1 foot ahead. The city was covered with water drops, millions and millions of water drops, cold as ice, giving me showers of shivers. I didn't have a clue what to expect, worst case scenario, I would have ended up in my little cozy place enjoying an amazing huge Irish cappuccino. 

She showed up, she was late...We took off the second our eyes met. We never knew the reason but the more we talked the more we were fading away from our pasts and anchoring in that present right there in that warm place, that very moment. She was having a lait ruse and I was enjoying the simple cappuccino.I felt that was a beginning but little did I know it was the plot of a story that was just starting. 

The rain stopped and the weather slowly warmed and days became nights and all we knew was that we were in a limbo where it just felt perfect while the whole world was still moving on. Winter passed, spring came and the nights spent together were melting like caramel, our directions were just not the same. We knew we will not be a "forever", we both knew that did not exist, we agreed that every forever ends and gave new meanings to the word. 

She woke up next to me one morning and told me that she wants to learn how to be my forever, that she can do it, that she is sure of it. I didn't know what to answer so I kissed her and told her she is beautiful. In the amount of time we were together I held her, told her she is the sexy, crazy, irreversible love of mine. She would always reply that she is the girl that can't be moved, my beautiful mess, like curly hair in the early morning. 

That day it was raining came to my place. I haven't seen you for hours before.  You were wearing your purple irreversible raincoat and told me today is the day. I was afraid to ask what day but somehow in my heart I knew the answer already. That day you held me till forever and back. The next morning you kissed me gently..I was stuck, I couldn't move... I couldn't even open my eyes. The sound of the door closing just broke my heart. 

Months later I realized that our forever was nothing more than a second chance, the joker in the pack of cards called life...that evening I went back to the place where we met and just stood there..did not move..I hoped that maybe, just maybe I will become famous "as the man that could not be moved" and just maybe you will come back in that place where we met and we will take off the very second our eyes meet....

The Script - The Man Who Can't Be Moved:

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